The TurnKey industrial park will host industries that will take share in the Nigerian USD590 billion Market. The Ideally, a nation's business environment should be improved uniformly across all cities and provinces. However, this cannot be done overnight in a latecomer country like Nigeria whose institutions and infrastructure are still developing. Under such circumstances, it is a good idea to set up a small number of limited areas where superior business environment is offered on a priority basis to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). In East Asia, industrial parks were innovated in Taiwan and spread to Korea, China and ASEAN4 countries. But some industrial parks succeed while others fail. What are the secrets for success, and what will Strategic Trade Consolidated do to develop an improved performance of its industrial parks?
The TurnKey industrial park (TIP) concept has emerged from attempts to apply Commercial principles to industrial activities and community design. By marrying industrial principles with principles of business Development, sustainable design, architecture, and construction, and by encouraging cooperation among companies to achieve these principles, the TIP demonstrates sustainable community economic development.
While we ensure you have a smooth transition we will also provide Investors marketing and promotional support to ensure that their products are known. The Park will be self-sustaining and will provide investors swift transition in Immigration, living, commercial and Marketing. The Park will also provide language support ensuring stress free communication and satisfaction.

Inspiring Africa is a registered Charity Organization in the United States operating as an extension of STRATEGIC TRADE CONSOLIDATED LLC. Our goal is to provide educative learning resources to alleviate poverty and enhance economic growth in Africa. We publish materials and provide onsite free training on motivation, college preparatory, and skill acquisition. We also create and operate businesses and support communities with their knowledge.
Africa has experienced rapid political change and significant economic progress. Yet it remains among the world’s poorest regions. Even with rich natural resources, the vast abundance of the region has not been used to benefit its entire people. Unequal opportunities for education, employment, and participation severely limit people from poor communities, especially youth and women. Foreign aids continue to be the reliance of many African nations and most of these aids don’t come on time. As such millions of lives and properties are lost each year.
The problem of Africa is not the amount of aid needed-- send as much aid to Africa and it will need even more. As population rises and economic needs increase African needs to learn to fend for themselves, our objective is to make that happen. We envision a world where Africa holds the power to create opportunity for themselves and contribute to significantly to global advancement.